L'oreal Sublime Sun Review and Sun Tips

by - Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer is finally here (it sure took a while) and I have been trying out L'oreal Sublime Sun line of sun protection for the last month and I cannot wait to share my opinions with you.

Now if you know me, you know I always wear sunscreen, always! And I always am telling others to follow suit.  Yes, I get told I am pale, yes I've been mocked, yes I get gifted self tanners … a lot, but I don't care. What I do care about is not damaging my skin and exposing myself to harmful UV rays that could potentially cause cancer.

On a serious personal note my mother-in-law, aunt-in-law and aunt have all been diagnosed with melanoma in the last year. That is 3 people I love dearly who inspire me to do everything I can every day to prevent the same fate for me and my husband.

So back to the review…

L'oreal has a bunch of new ways to protect your skin from the sun and its harmful rays. So if you don't like creams or lotions there are some interesting options for you.
For the face there is Silky Sheer BB Cream and Silky Sheer Face Lotion. Both are thin and go on super light. They also boast a 50 SPF protection level. The only real difference between the two is a light tint in the BB that evens out your skin tone ever so slightly.
What I think: I brought the BB on my recent 16 day vacation and it was my only foundation like product I brought with….and I loved it. I am so glad I brought it with. It went on even and smooth, it protected my skin amazingly. It was in no way greasy or heavy, thin and light. No break outs happened either. It might just be the most amazing facial sun screen ever…or at least I think so.
As for the Face Lotion, the hubby has been using it, even with his beard and he has been quite happy too. He breaks out on a whim so the fact this goes on smooth and is light weight makes hime super happy. The no breakouts is a massive plus too.
Silky Sheer Mousse is actually a mousse sunscreen, so neat. Shake it and foam some out then apply. Available in 30 and 50 SPF, it is my husbands favourite.
What I think: Well I like it, it drys nice and isn't heavy on the skin. But forget me, this is the sunscreen of choice for the hubby. Apparently men have hair on their arms and legs that regular cream gets on and it just gets annoying. This goes on smoothly and makes men really happy. The hubby is bringing it to work daily so he can prevent the strange one arm farmers tan he gets on his drives to and from work.
Silky Sheer Lotion is a bit more of a traditional sunscreen lotion. Available in 15, 30 and 50 SPF it works great. Not too heavy or greasy.
What I think: I like it a lot for a lotion, but lotion is still not my preferred method of sunscreen, I like sprays just so much more. That being said it is light and absorbs quickly, if I had to buy a cream and not a spray I would buy this one in an instant.
Quick Dry Sheer Spray is an alcohol free spray making it ideal for anyone with really sensitive skin. It comes in 30 and 50 SPF. It drys instantly to a satin finish.
What I think: Since I often run into sun hives the fact this product is alcohol free is a big plus for me. I  love how light and sheer this feels, once it drys (which is quickly) it feels like I never applied anything at all and looks matte on my skin. I'm a big fan.
Invisible Protect Dry Oil Spray is a spray oil that is also a sunscreen, crazy. Now one might think this
might be heavy on your skin, no it isn't, because it is a dry oil spray. Spray it on, rub it in, feel your nice smooth skin, amazing. Available in 15 and 30 SPF.
What I think: I love it!!! My second favourite sunscreen to use. I always loved aerosol sprays sunscreens but this something I am loving more and more everyday. It is an oil, but it doesn't fee oily. It absorbs nicely and leaves my skin silky smooth and soft. I just love it. I really am not doing it justice in my description, but trust me it is fantastic.
Invisible protect Sheer Spray is my all star product. Available in 30 and 50 SPF it weightless and not sticky at all.
What I think: This one also came with me on the long trip and I loved it, in fact I used it all up. It is by far my favourite protect on this list. It sprayed on fantastically leaving no grease or oil on my skin. It felt weightless like it claimed. The high SPF provided with me the right amount of coverage for my needs and I never once broke out in my sun hives.

There you go the new L'oreal Subliime Sun Collection - I'm currently loving them and I think you will too.

And Remember:
  • Apply your sun protection 30 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every 2 hours.
  • Sun protection is still needed on cloudy, overcast and snowy days, in other words use it everyday.
  • 30 ml of sunscreen is what you need on your body for maximum coverage - that's a shot glasses worth.
  • 10am - 4 pm are peek sun hours when UV rays are the strongest 
  • Always use a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB) protection sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15.
Batting a Lash:

* Products were sent to me for consideration. All views are my own.

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