No Poo - 3 Month Update

by - Friday, January 08, 2010

It has been 3 months since I started my no shampoo experiment. I must say I never thought I would love not using shampoo as much as I do. At first I started this experiment just out of curiosity, now it is a routine and a way of life.

What am I doing??

Well at first I just happened to run across a site that talked about the No Poo method of hair washing, that peeked my interest and I have been hooked ever since.

At first I tried the baking soda and apple cider vinegar method, but it seemed like more work than I liked and I found my hair still needed conditioner and I was kinda afraid of getting vinegar in my eyes. 

Now I have decided to do the conditioner method. I wash my hair with a conditioner just like when I used to use shampoo. I wet my hair and rub conditioner into my hair for a minute and then rinse. Once and a while I leave it in longer or conditioner mask instead.  Once every few weeks when I use alot of product I will use some baking soda with water and do a good cleaning before the washing conditioner.

My results???

My hair is soft and clean, full of body and I don't miss the step of shampoo.

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