Coconut Oil For Your Hair

by - Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Destroying your hair through heat, colouring, repetitive styling, hard water and harsh hair care products in something many of us do, I tend to dye my hair until it wants to disconnect itself from my scalp.

Coconut oil totes many wonderful claims for its absorbency and repair qualities. I don't know if all the things that are said about it are true, what I do know is cheap and leaves my damaged hair softer and has brought it back from the brink of disaster more than once.
I have used it as:

An Overnight Treatment, by coating my slightly damp hair in it and wrapping it in a towel and putting a towel over my pillow. I then wash it out in the AM and am left with great hair.

A Pre-Poo Treatment, by rubbing some of them into my hair 10 minutes before washing my hair.

A Hair Mask, by putting it in my hair in the shower, leaving it a few minutes then washing it out and conditioning as normal (similar to the pre-poo).

It melts in your hands so super easy to put in your hair.

Now if you question my comment on it being cheap, I am using cooking coconut oil. It is cheaper and heck I am putting it in my hair. I got my tub for $7.99 (29 oz made by Nutiva, I got it at Homesense) and it has lasted me months (months people) and I have still have of it left.

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