Annabelle & Marcelle Beauty Premiere Event

by - Monday, November 28, 2011

A few weeks back Groupe Marcelle threw an event showcasing their upcoming products to Toronto media and bloggers.  I was very fortunate to attend.

It was held at the gorgeous Thompson Hotel in downtown Toronto. The view from the roof to room was amazing.
One side of the room featured Marcelle upcoming products and the other Annabelle's soon to be released products. There were plenty of reps from the companies there to explain and show all the amazing new products. We were free to touch them and play around with them to our hearts content.
Marcelle's new mascara that curls and seperates. Looks fantastic.
Marcelle's new skin care line, "Youth Skin Care".
Day, night and eye creams meant for all ages, but to help keep you a step a head of the aging process.
I want to try this out so bad.
Marcelle's new BB cream. This was the talk of the night.
It looks great, I believe it will be out by February.
New Big Show Glosses
Smudge paints, they rock .
New shades of their glitter liners.

Beside the very pretty and open bar was a custom Big Show Lip Gloss mixing station, featuring the amazing Fashionista514. I must say she is as nice in person as she is on youtube and twitter.
So we got to choose 4-6 colours from the wheel and ended up with two  personalized lip gloss tubes. I heard some ladies went back 2 or 3 times. If I didn't have to leave in such a rush I would have too.
Above Ande is holding her shade.
Above is a video of mine being made.
I lost out on a little of the second tube, but when was the last time I used up a whole lip gloss anyways?

The servers brought around tasty treats to eat and pretty trays of makeup. I had to leave, so I didn't fill up on makeup like other did, but I did get a healthy serving.
BTW I love this idea. So creative and fun.

Rubanxrose/Michele with Isabel from Marcelle
Me and Michele
Rica, Michele, Joyce, and Mariana
Elaine, Tamara and Ande
My swag bag!

Thanks to Isabel and Groupe Marcelle for inviting me. I had a great time and cannot wait for the next event.
Thanks to Elaine, Meredith, Michele and Esther for letting me use some of their photos.

Some of the bloggers who where there:
Kelly of Glitter Diaries
Arianne of The Glitter Geek
Lisamarie of Beauty Crazed
Stephanie of Blush Pretty
Fiona of Fiona Man
Donna Marie of Makeup By Donna Marie
Meredith of Et Tu and You
Anjali of Rock That Look
Emily of Emily Loves
Farah of Faces by Farah
Tamara of Beauty Thesis
Rica of Icy Swirls
Lelo of Lelo Artistry

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