Rexall Be Better Argan Oil Moisturizer

by - Wednesday, May 07, 2014

A daily natural moisturizer for the face, skin, hair, nails and cuticles
Last year Rexall launched their in house brand last year and with it an Argan oil line. Last fall while it was on promo I picked up a bottle of their Argan Oil Moisturizer. It boasts that its only ingredient is 100% Organic Argan Oil. That's it, no other ingredients tossed in there. 
the bottle
So what do you get with the bottle? 50 ml of Argan oil from Morocco, that's what. It comes in a tinted bottle to prevent UV damage to the oil and an eye dropper. That's really about it.  Now I find it smells a bit nutty but nothing I cannot stand. Not much else to say.
the dropper
So how do I use this stuff? Well I mix a few drops in with my hand or body lotion if I think it needs a bit more of a boost. I'll put some into my wet hair like I would with Moroccan Oil, or I mix a bit in with my gel or hair cream for a bit softer and moisturizing effect on my hair. My cuticles love it too!
oil in my hand
So that is really it, right now it is on sale at Rexall for $11.99 so I highly recommend you get it. If you don't well the regular pice is about $16.99 so you still can't go wrong.
my stores current display
Batting a Lash:

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