Impress Manicure VoxBox

by - Monday, June 02, 2014

Ok, so here goes. Rembmer when I got the Maple VoxBox and it had Impress Manicure Nails in it? Well here is a link to the  review on the nails that I did for that box.

Now here is the thing, Inflenster sent me another VoxBox (yippie) this time filled with two sets of Impress Manicure Nails.

So it is kind of odd that all the tasks are just about the same and I already did them.

But any who I am going to do a quick little post about the nails and my mani that I did with them.

The nails I recived
First off let me say that I do really like these nails and a week before getting them I bought two sets at the Lisa sale. That being said, I do not like the one pattern I was with that I am using them to demo this post. There is nothing wrong with them, just not me, no no no they are not me. Who they are, I do not know.
What's inside
More of what is inside 
So my first step is to always dup the nails out and lay out the ones that will fit the best. This time I wasn't so sure on my middle fingers so I put out two.
 Then I wash my hands, dry them, use the file (oh who am I kidding, I use my own nail file) and then wipe them down. Now we get to the exciting part, peeling. Start with you non dominant hand and work pinkie to index then do your other hand. Then thumbs. All you do is peel the tab off and pale down. I like to hold them down for a few seconds so they really stick
For some reason I started with my ring finer, but here it is, 
The end result:
I do find they don't stick to the ends of my nails well, leading to a gap that collects both dirt and pulls my hair when I run my hands through it.  I  have never worn them for more than a  weekend since these really don't hold up to the type of wear and tear a dog grooming could put them through.
Overall they are great when I need a nice looking manicure that takes about 3 minutes to do and has no dry time. As well they are nice when my nails are split and broken past the quick, nothing I could do traditionally with nail polish could ever make my nails when in that condition look good and these do.

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

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