candycross borderfoodgumhaulloracNYXpumpkinpumpkin spicetargettarttoo facedtrader joe'strader joesunder armour
Cross Border Haul
The hubby and I took a day trip across the border this week. I managed to get some stuff at ULTA, Target and Trader Joe's.
First off we went to ULTA, I wanted some Lorac items, but sadly their holiday sets weren't in yet.
I did get the Lorac TANalizer Highlighter and Matte Bronzer Duo, it was $12I picked up some NYX as well, two Butter Glosses (apple strudel and sugar cookie) and Dark Circle Concealer in Fair, it is a orange toned concealer.
I saw before going that Ulta had exclusive holiday sets from Too Faced and Tarte, so I decided to get one of each.
Too Faced Sugar and Spice contains 12 shadows and a mini Better Than Sex mascara in a cute little bag.Tarte Away Oui Go set is meant for the traveller. It has four sets of four shadows and blush, 3 glosses and a Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara.
The idea is that you can pop out the set you want and take it with you in the blue travel case.
Over at Trader Joe's I succumb to pumpkin spice madness. No kidding, I love pumpkins and pumpkin I stocked up on many many pumpkin themed items, and I am happy. We got lots of junk food, but be aware TJ might be the healthiest store ever, their veggie and fruit selection is crazy and really cheap. Since I can't bring that stuff across with me, we loaded up on tasty treats that will last us months.
First off we got a very large insulated tote bag, it holds so much and seems to be very well made so it will get lots of use.
We got two Triple Ginger Snaps, the best ginger snaps ever! a Fruit Jellies for the hubby, he really likes fruit jellies and I am always looking for some for him. Finally we got the product that started our TJ obsession, the Chocolate Orange Sticks.
Three tubs of Speculoos Crunchy Cookie Butter, they were out of the regular one. This might be my favourite stuff on earth. The hubby got a PB&J Milk Chocolate Bar.
Now on to pumpkin madness....
Pumpkin Spiced Chia Tea Latte Mix, yeah that just sounded too yummy not to get. Pumpkin Cornbread Mix I plan on making Chili and making these to go with it. Pumpkin Spice Coffee I needed coffee and this has all the pumpkin spices (no pumpkin) in it. It smells amazing. Pumpkin Body Butter I have the Coconut version and love it, so I had to get this. Pumpkin Bread and Muffin Mix and Pumpkin Butter, I got the Williams-Sonoma version of this a few years ago and it was a hit at Thanksgiving. While the WS was tasty it was also pricy as hell, these were $2.99 each. They were also doing tastings of them together and it was just as good as the WS version. Finally I got the Toasted Pumpkin Seed Oil which is such a pretty dark green and just the right amount of toasted, it is going to be used on salads for months to come.
Original Irish Breakfast Tea. Last time we went to a TJ I got one of these, my Step-Mother-in-Law got half of it and didn't think much of it, but my Mother-in-law went nuts for it when she came over to vist. She took no stock into the fact I could not buy more and just made pot after pot with two tea bags in each. box is going to her and one is staying here.
Finnaly I got the best mustard ever, the Hot and Sweet Mustard.
Over at Target I got more food. I really tried to get some beauty stuff there but every single thing on my list was not there. It wasn't meant to be.
We got 4 cases of Cherry Coke Zero as well.
The hubby loves candy corn, I mean LOVES it. He picked up some Brach's S'mores and Pumpkin Spice Candy Corn. I hate the texture of candy corn so these are all his (he already ate most of the S'mores).I always have to get Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate. It only has 25 calories and taste amazing.
Kelly McKelly raved about Coffee Mate Hazelnut on one of her Coffee Time With Kelly videos, so heck I had to grab one. Hazelnut is one of my go to flavours (as well as pumpkin, pumpkin spice and mint chocolate). I also got Archer Farms (Target brand) Pumpkin Spice Coffee Syrup, it happens to be sugar free and the exact same bottle of my empty Starbucks hazelnut syrup. So I am putting the Starbucks pump onto this one. I saw that they had regular flavours as well (hazelnut, carmel, vanilla) so I am going to go for a hunt to see if they are in Canada or not since it was ¼th of the price that Starbucks charges.
I picked myself up some tasty other treats, Trident Layers gum in Pumpkin Spice and Mint M&M's.
I also stopped by the Under Armour outlet. I picked up a few shirts on clearance and this fantastic gym bag for $39.99. Very happy about it since it is still listed on their USA website for $69.99.