Palmers Skin Therapy Oil Collection Review and Giveaway

by - Wednesday, September 09, 2015

I've always been a huge fan of oils, as cleansers, moisturizers and in place of face serums. I recently discovered Palmer's Skin Therapy line and fell in love. It covers all your bases, body, face and cleansing, all using cocoa butter as its foundation. The best part is (other than how well it works) is that it is very, very affordable.
Palmers Skin Therapy Cleansing Oil ($7.99):

Hands down, this is my favourite product in the line. I love a good cleaning oil. For years I've struggled with my dry and dehydrated skin. In the past cleansers left my skin dry, tight and very uncomfortable. Since I switched to cleansing oils, I've found that my skin is left clean, hydrated and smooth. There is no tightness or dryness. No patting my skin dry thinking, 'my skin is parched, what have I done?".

While I generally love cleansing oils, not all are created equal, which is why I love this one, it is one of the best I have ever tried. It is a bit thicker than most (think Bobbi Brown or Origins for constancy) which lets you really get the dirt, makeup and oil off your face efficiently. It has a nice locking pump which helps you get the right amount out and not make a mess. Another thing that sets this product apart, there is no mineral oil in it! None, which seems to be a main ingredient in many brands (even high end ones).  Plus it just works really well and leaves no residue on your skin.

Skin Therapy Oil Face:
Their new face oil is also fantastic. It is a great idea for anyone with dry skin (that's me) or anyone looking to improve their completion.  If you read my hiatus post, you know I've been under crazy stress, well there is nothing better to make you break out that stress. I am now left with some new post-acne marks I am trying to fade. The Retinol and Vitamin C in this oil really help fade the marks faster.

It also contains some very soothing oils in it, which helps again with my dryness, but also as an anti-aging product.

With 10 oils in it (Sesame Oil, Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Apricot Oil, Argan Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Rosehip Oil, Camelina Oil and Sunflower Oil) it has a very light texture, so anyone who is afraid of oil causing breakouts shouldn't worry. It's so light because (again) it has no mineral oil in it (a breakout culprit too).

Skin Therapy Oil ($9.97):

Ok skin oil is a big thing. Anyone who has gotten a scratch or scar in the last ten years has told me how a big name brand oil has helped them so much reduce the redness of their scar faster. I believe them and love the idea of a skin oil, but they are way way to price 90% of the time and smell like lavender so much I just can't use it. Palmer's version is not only way more affordable it smells like lightly of rosehips, so I don't want to run away from it. It also applies much easier. I don't find it as dry as other brands, yet it still absorbs really quickly letting me move on with my day (in other words get dressed). It also has a pump! A PUMP people! Ingenuous (anyone else hate shaking oil out like malt vinegar on fries?).

I really do like this product, it has some pretty amazing ingredients in it  (Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E, Cetesomate-E, Sesame Oil, Canola Oil and Rosehip Oil) and no mineral oil, preservatives or parabens in it I am sold.

I had a bad stretch at the grooming store this spring where I managed to get about 10 different bad cat scratches on me within a week. My arm looked a mess. I knew I was going to scar, but since using this oil I found my skin is far less red and the scars are far softer and hurt less. Also my dry skin is much more hydrated and I don't feel oily or residuey like with other lotions or oils. 

Seriously, I am not going to spend $20+ on a skin oil that's first ingredient is mineral oil when there is something thins great out there for far less without mineral oil in it.

Overall I am loving these products, they are helping my skin stay clean and hydrated, they are helping fix up my marks and scars. As well they are all mineral oil free and highly affordable, which is something I always love in a product line.

On that note the fine people over at Palmer's have given me the opportunity to have a giveaway so some of you can try out these great products too!

I'm giving away 3 packages that include: Palmer’s Skin Therapy Oil FACE, Palmer’s Skin Therapy Oil Rosehip and Skin Therapy Cleansing Oil FACE. 

You must be a Canadian resident to enter and fill out the entry below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

*These products were sent to me for review, all opinions are my own.

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