Smooth Skin Once Again Thanks To Reversa

by - Thursday, November 09, 2017

Every year my skin gets incredibly dry and flaky. Chap, red, highly irritated, that is my fall and winter skin. As if that wasn't fun enough, I also suffer from Keratosis Pilaris, which is a bunch of super unpleasant bumps on my skin, making it look ugly and feel even worse. While my Keratosis Pilaris is really not a big deal, I hate how it leaves my skin feeling.

I recently discovered Reversa's Skin Smoothing Body Lotion, not only is it meant to combat the worst types of dry and rough skin, it also helps smooth bumpy skin like mine.

Containing 10% Glycolic Acid,  an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), that helps penetrate the skin and exfoliate. Since Keratosis Pilaris is caused by a build up of dead skin cells, the glycolid acid really is the key to defeating it. 10% Glycolic acid also happens to be the highest concentration you can get without a prescription, making it a highly effective formula.
In the past I tried an over the counter lactic acid lotion to help try to smooth out my skin, sadly it left my skin incredibly sticky and frankly burned. It burned so much, but the stickiness is what really drove me nuts. Revera's Skin Smoothing Body Lotion doesn't do either of those things because it doesn't have lactic acid in it, and because it has a time release gyco-comfot system, which releases the formula over time, meaning there is no burning. As well this means the formula helps moisturize the skin a lot longer then a traditional moisturizer.
Other things that make me really like using this lotion daily is that it is perfume-free (which trust me matters for some), oil free, and non-comedogenic. Oh and because Reversa is Canadian, it is make right here in Canada, which is something I always look for when I can.

 Do you have Keratosis Pilaris? What is your secret weapon to keeping it at bay?

*product sample was sent for review purposes, all views and opinions are my own.

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