Lip Smacker has a bunch of fun Easter surprises this year for just about everyone. From Coca-Cola, Disney to Lemonade and DIY customizable balms, there is something to fun for everyone.
This year Lip Smackers Disney Tsum Tsums have some fun new Characters. Mickey (Cherry) and Mini (Strawberry Lollipop) come in fun pastel shades for the season and their own little Easter Egg design on their sides. Thumper (Caramel Kiss) and Eeyore (Cheer Up Buttercup) are back (I reviewed them last Easter). Thumper even comes with a fun new little carrot design on him, which is really cute for a little bunny like him.I really do adore the Tsum Tsum formula, it is thick and very protective. If you want something more then a traditional tube lip balm these are for you. I also love that they are creating fun new seasonal versions of the characters, I honestly think I am going to end up with a very large collection soon.
If Tsum Tsums aren't your thing but Disney still is, there are some fun new trios out that are packed in little egg shaped bags that have zippers on them. There is Disney characters dressed up for Easter (Strawberry Soda Pop, Orange Soda Pop, and Grape Soda Pop flavours) and Moana (Mango Cruising, Passionfruit Island, Coconut Splash flavours).
I know my nieces are all into Moana more than any other movie right now (yes, I did go to a Moana themed birthday party) so they would love to find this one in an Easter egg hunt or in their basket.
There also are some great candy options for the sweet lover in your family. Packaged in cute little colourful plastic eggs with three lip balms in each. There is Skittles (Skittles Green Apple, Skittles Wild Berry Strawberry, and Skittles Strawberry), Starbursts (Starburst Cherry, Starburst Fave Red Strawberry, and Starburst Fave Red Watermelon) and M&Ms (all are Chocolate flavoured).
I personally love Starburst the most of these, but am drawn to how adorable the M&Ms look with the little plastic M&Ms on the top of the caps.
Coca-Cola is a classic flavour to me, for Easter you can get a little plastic egg filled with Coca-Cola Classic, Cherry Coke and Sprite flavours. I reviewed some coke products last year and really loved how spot on the flavours were.
You can also get a fountain pop lip balm and stick lip balm in a duo that is packaged like an egg. The Fountain pops have the same formula as the Tsum Tsums and as I said above, I do love them. The duo is a great idea for those that love both types of balms and want some variety.
Finally there are fun Lemonade flavours. There is a cup lip balm and tube duo in Watermelon Lemonade as well as Strawberry Lemonade (not shown) and they smell amazing. Just amazing! There are also fun custom DIY Topper Duos, you get two lip balms, an Easter egg shaped topper and stickers so you can customize your lip balm to your liking.
So if a sweet treat, a Disney classic, or a classic cola is your thing, Lip Smacker has something fun for you this Easter season. Now trying to find fun places to hide these babies for an Easter Egg Hunt, that is going to be fun, so is seeing the looks on everyone's faces when they find them.
*PR samples features. All opinions are my own.