Five on Friday | Feb 25

by - Saturday, February 26, 2022

This week has been rough, like real rough. It started with something absolutely terrible happening by accident to Bradley (it involved a car) but ended, thankfully without injuries.  I got the vets at my work to check him out and he seem all ok, just a little soar in his one leg. Needless to say, I was traumatized and guilt ridden the rest of the week. 

There is also all the chaos in the world right now, it is taking a toll on me.

On the good news side my family member who has been in the ICU since mid January is showing improvement, so that's great.

Anyways, the hubs made great food, I just didn't take photos so this weeks post will have to have other things in it.

1. Bradley!!!
I love my baby Bradley.  He is my whole world, so obviously me makes me happy, and him being healthy and uninjured this week really puts a spotlight on that. Here is at work.

2. Law & Order
Law & Order is back after 12 years off the air.  This made me more happy then I thought it would.  I love l&o:svu but nothing beats the original, and that theme song 😍.

3. Lululemon Future Legacy Crossbody Bag
this was the lululemon item to raise money for the Olympic athletes this setbof games. I thought for $38 it was worth picking up. So far it has been great. It comes in so many colours, but grey is what I wanted.

4 Organization!
I saw on @costcofindcanada Instagram post about a month back this pullout cabinet organizer. The hubs had been looking for weeks and I finally got it. Now my container cabinet is organized!!!

5. Reacher

I added a second show because the week was so unimpressive and it was something I enjoyed. We just wrapped up watching Amazon Prime Reacher. It was shot around Toronto,  lots in the Port Perry area, which I always enjoy.  I found it hard to accept the higher level of violence in the series vs the movies. I really need to read a book to compare which is more true to the character. My mother in law loves the books, in fact we got her the latest for her Xmas gift. Overall it was a good show for us to watch and I enjoyed it.

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