2022 Movie Roundup and 2023 Movie Goals

by - Wednesday, January 04, 2023

In 2020 when I had 8 weeks off work due to the lockdown, I stated trying to watch older movies I had just never seen. When 2021 came around I saw my friend Jayne's posts about trying to watch new to her moves each year and it inspired me. 

Now for 2021 I said 50 new to me movies and I made it by the skin of my teeth. I found many were documentaries so I made 2022 50 new movies and 25 documentaries.  I kind of failed.

It seems most documentaries are now series and that really put a damper on me watching them. Even when I did, they didn't need to be 3 parts, 90 mins would do. So lesson learned, 2022 the documentary became completely serialized. 

As for the 50 new movies, I did that mainly because my mother in law visited and we watched several at a time. It was a good way to kill time at night and wind down. 

While I'm thinking of what I want to do for 2023, I thought I'd share my views with you for the past year. 

Overall enjoy making myself watch new things.. if it was up to me I would watch the same things all the time because I have cable still (part of my condo plan) and Crave / HBO on the tv. So it's really easy to say 'oh this is on, let's just watch the last half of that' and not think.
I liked a lot of these movies and had a good time watching them. We went to the drive in double feature twice, for the 3rd year in a row ( saw Jurassic World and skipped the second movie and then Black Adam and Scream 5). I also attended a Drunken Cinema showing of Scream 4. My friend Melissa and I have seen each one of their viewing of the Scream franchise there and it is so much fun, hopefully we'll see Scream 6 there in March.

A bunch really sucked, like New Mutants and Nightmare Alley or Reminisence ...oh garbage.

I also got to see some old classics that I just had never watched before like White Christmas and Fiddler on the Roof (seen the play though).
Overall, I really liked this challenge  because it breaks me out of my movie rut shell. I've already PVRed a few classic movies (our condo just upgraded up to PVRs so I'm taking advantage).

I think for 2023 I'm going to just make it 50 new movies again and 12 documentaries, one for each month. If you want to follow my adventures in film I am on Letterboxd.

Let me know what you think of the challenge and what you liked or didn't like in 2022 movies.

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